Venous Occlusion Detected by Caregiver with Implantable Doppler in a Buried Free Flap
Su Won Hur, Tae Gon Kim, Jun Ho Lee, Kyu Jin Chung, Yong-Ha Kim
Arch Craniofac Surg. 2014;15(3):121-124.   Published online 2014 Dec 23     DOI:
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Ischemic Time in Free-Flap Surgery With Arteriovenous Bundle Interposition Graft: Comparison of Two Anastomosis Sequences
Yong-Ha Kim, Jae-Won Kim, Tae-gon Kim, Jun-Ho Lee, Kyu Jin Chung, Chi-Ho Yeo
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.2019; 30(2): 493.     CrossRef