Palatoplasty with AlloDerm(R) Graft. |
Jong Seo Kim, Soon Sung Kwon, Dong Il Kim, Joon Choe |
Department of Plastic Surgery, Inje University College of Medicine, Kyunggi, Korea. |
Abstract |
Recently, Furlow's palatoplasty, intravelar veloplasty and other procedures have become popular for cleft palate.
However, the push-back method holds an important position among the various palatoplasties because it is safe and reliable. Previous reports have shown that normal or nearly normal speech is attained in between 70 and 90 percent of the patients of push-back method. Early palatoplasty might influence maxillary growth more than late palatoplasty.
There are some problems after operation of push-back method.
The raw surface causes bleeding, pain, poor oral intake, growth interference for scar contracture and tension on central suture line. This lateral defect can be closed directly but tension on central suture area is increased, and the risk of wound dehiscence is increased. We used AlloDerm(R) graft for covering of this bony exposed raw surface on both lateral palatal area. Thus exposed surface was protected by AlloDerm(R) graft and then patient suffered from pain less than conventional method. The bony surface was compressed by AlloDerm(R) and bleeding was not found after AlloDerm(R) graft. Patient was not irritable and intake of patient was good after operation. The recovery was faster than conventional push-back method. |
Alloderm(R); Palatoplasty |